
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Week Individual Work free essay sample

In 1845, the first women to be hired by the New York City Police Department were called matrons. In 1985, Penny Harrington of the Portland Oregon Police Department became the first female Chief of Police. In 2004 women accounted for only 12. 7 percent of all sworn law enforcement positions in large agencies and the numbers are declining. The percentage of sworn female officers In smaller agencies is even lower. There are many possible reasons for the decline in the number of women In law enforcement.Research shows that woman can be Just as effective as men; uneven hiring practices; selection processes and recruitment policies keep the number of woman artificially low. Often women are screened out early as a result of certain entry level tests that favor upper body strength or previous life experiences. Most women never even consider a career in law enforcement to begin with, due to their misunderstanding of the nature of the Job and the aggressive and authoritarian Images portrayed in the media. We will write a custom essay sample on Week Individual Work or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Once hired women still face discrimination, sexual harassment or even peer intimidation and they often lack the necessary role models or mentors to help them move up the ranks. The under-representation of women at all levels In the modern police agency negatively Impacts the culture and operational efficiency of law enforcement agencies throughout the country. Rookies, because they are the new recruits and are the less experienced offices they tend to be given the grunt Jobs until they have proven themselves at least.They must prove loyalty and knowledge of their Job. It really depends on what police department these rookies Join. Some departments may require rookies to put up with petty Indignities such as public humiliation, being yelled at, and being ordered around. The older officers that do not have a college degree might be Jealous of the rookie officers knowledge and youth and probably treat him unfairly. Rookies should show respect for the older officers. Respect will be earned over time but they have to prove themselves.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Hate Language in Rap Music essays

Hate Language in Rap Music essays Hate Language in Rap Music In a recent survey of Americans, 75% reported believing that exposure to violence in popular music, television shows, and movies, inspires young people to act aggressively (Lacayo, 1995; Smith et al., 2000). The consumption of media containing heterosexist and homophobic languages, by young adults and children, harbors aggression and sexual confusion. Jung and Smith (1993) define heterosexism as, a reasoned system of bias about human sexual orientation...rooted in a largely cognitive constellation of beliefs about human sexuality (Hecht, 1998, p. 113). The constant exposure to hateful lyrics found in some of todays most popular music desensitizes the young to violence against and mistreatment of gays and lesbians. It may also instill a fear in those young adults who may be confused about their own sexual orientation, causing extreme frustration and emotional pain. With the recent success of rapper Eminems sophomore release entitled, The Marshall Mathers LP, much attention had been drawn to this topic. There has been a tremendous backlash against Eminems music and the messages he delivers to the millions of listeners he has acquired. The most audible criticisms have been those of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation, or glaad. In a media release from glaad, the organization stated that: The hatred and hostility on (Eminems) CD have a real effect on peoples lives as they encourage violence against gay men and lesbians. At time when hate crimes against gay people are on the rise, these epithets create even more bias and intolerance toward an entire community. The real danger comes from the artists fan base of easily influenced adolescents who emulate Eminems dress, mannerisms, words and beliefs (glaad.org, 2000b). Some of these words and beliefs include the following lyrics from the song Criminal&quo...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Ideas and Techniques in Intervention with Children With Essay

New Ideas and Techniques in Intervention with Children With Communication Disorders in Early Language Development - Essay Example In other words the developing brain is best able to absorb any language, during the initial three years of their life. Some of the main reasons of speech and language disorders include hearing loss, neurological disorders, brain injury, mental retardation, drug abuse, physical impairments such as cleft lip or palate, and vocal abuse or misuse. However, in many cases the real cause is unknown (National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, 2004). As the years pass by the ability to learn a language will be more difficult, and perhaps less efficient or effective, if these critical periods pass without early exposure to a language (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, 2001). This research paper focuses mainly on the new ideas and techniques in intervention with children with communication disorders in early language development. Communication disorder is a common term that encompasses various problems in language, speech, and hearing. To be more specific, speech and language problems comprise expression or verbalization problems, voice disorders, fluency problems which include stuttering, aphasia which is generally caused because of brain injury, and hearing problems. Today there are several interventions designed particularly for each of the above mentioned problems and the best treatment is prevention and early intervention (Sanchez, 1991). There are also several other communication disorders that result from other conditions such as learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, or cleft lip or cleft palate. Therefore, it becomes very important to understand the need of each and every child before the treatment begins. Speech and language disorders in general can have an impact on the way a child talk, understand, analyze or process information. Speech disorders include the clarity, voice quality, and fluency of a child's spoken words. Language disorders include a child's ability to hold meaningful conversations, understand others, problem solve, read and comprehend, and express thoughts through spoken or written words (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2005). Early intervention for the treatment of apraxia is intended to teach effective communication strategies and improve volitional control of the oral musculature. During the course of the treatment exercises mainly focuses on teaching sound s equencing, programming sound patterns, and improving rhythm in speech. It is only with the advent of computed tomography (CT) scan and MRI several medical conditions can be detected easily including the ability to identify small subcortical lesions as causes of aphasia. Successful treatment of aphasia depends on the knowledge of a child's cognitive and linguistic strengths and weaknesses obtained from the formal testing batteries. While the traditional treatment strategies focused on syndrome-specific approaches, where treatment is based upon the diagnosed aphasia syndrome, recent strategies promote getting a message across by any means, through language, gestures, drawing, or any other expressive method (Melfi, 2006). A child with speech or language delays may exhibit a number of characteristics including the inability to follow directions, slow and incomprehensible speech, and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Apitalism in the ourse of the 16th Century Essay

Apitalism in the ourse of the 16th Century - Essay Example Protection of private property was never so legally simplified before the advent of capitalism and the legal implications of private ownership suggested greater independence of private property owners and provided clear protected ownership that could be legally validated. Capitalism brought in the standardization and integration of property rules increased trust in economic transactions and laid down the risks of ownership with possibilities of insurance against such risks. Loans and borrowing became easier as personal credit history could be checked and there was an increased standardization and transferability of statements documenting ownership of property (Levi-Faur et al, 2005). This specification of property limits and rules and regulations of ownership indicated a smoother flow of property between individuals and enabled a well-defined role for companies so that they could easily operate in national and international markets. The concept of capitalism has often been criticised by the fact that ownership of enterprises shows the division between the employer and the employee as the profits seem to go to the employer and is not shared by the employees. The growth of multinational companies is thus a direct influence of capitalism and the changing global economy has also been directly shaped by the spread of capitalism across society and nations. In fact, the world today could never have been the same without capitalism and considering this, it is important to examine why and how capitalism first emerged in the 16th century and what are the social, historical and political implications. Capitalism is often contrasted to feudalism on the one hand where a monarch has ownership of property and socialism or communism on the other in which means of production are owned by the community collectively (Sweezy et al 1976).

Monday, November 18, 2019

Asthma Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Asthma - Research Paper Example In the US childhood incidence had increases fro 3% to 9% since 1980. Among different ethnic groups in the US, Puerto Ricans have the highest incidence of asthma. African Americans also have a high incidence of this disease. Irish Americans and Hawaiians also have a high incidence of asthma. The lowest incidence is found in the Mexican population. Although the incidence of pediatric asthma is higher in males than in females, the occurrence of this disease is much higher in adult females, who are twice as likely to die of this disease as males. Moreover, the incidence of asthma is higher in lower socioeconomic groups who reside in urban centers. There are two primary forms of this disease: acute and chronic. The acute form of the disease is characterized by the occurrence of in worsening symptoms and unstable bronchial function. The chronic form of the disease is a stable, non-progressing condition (Adam 10). Many patients with asthma vary over time between the two disease states. Asthma can be distinguished from several other major forms of lung disease by means of differential diagnosis. Unlike emphysema which affects the structure and function of the alveoli, the primary site of gaseous exchange in the lung, asthma affects the airways or conductance passage that transport air between the lung tissue and the external opening of the body. Likewise, COPD is an irreversible deterioration of the primary lung tissue; in contrast at the inflammatory manifestations of asthma are reversible (Adam 20-23). Asthma is a chronic pulmonary disorder characterized by inflammation of the major airways of the lungs and has a complex etiology. The recurring inflammatory episodes result in hyper-responsiveness of airway vessels that causes tissue swelling with many physiological consequences (Adam 44). These episodes cause symptoms of wheezing, tightness of the chest, coughing and restricted airflow that result in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Human Relations And Privacy And Confidentiality Social Work Essay

Human Relations And Privacy And Confidentiality Social Work Essay (Professional Ethics, n.d., para. 1) states, Ethics are rules and values used in a professional setting. Professional ethics concerns the moral issues that arise because of the specialist knowledge that professionals attain, and how the use of this knowledge should be governed when providing a service to the public. (Professional Ethics, n.d., para. 1) further states the professional carries additional moral responsibilities to those held by the population in general. This is because professionals are capable of making and acting on an informed decision in situations that the general public cannot, because they have not received the relevant training. Most professions use professional ethics, which, are encoded in their code of ethics to internally regulate themselves and preserve the integrity of the profession as well as preventing the exploitation of clients. The codes of ethics are broad guidelines that members are required to convert to the appropriate professional behaviour. Herlihy and Corey (as cited in Corey, Corey and Callanan 2007) suggests that a code of ethics has the following objectives: Educate the professional about sound ethical conduct Provide a mechanism for professional accountability Serve as a catalyst for improving practice Engels, Pope and Vasquez cited in Corey, Corey and Callanan (2007) highlighted that despite these code of ethics the professional will face limitations and problems in striving to be ethically responsible. Limitations cited included: Ethic codes may lack clarity and precision which make assessment of ethical applications difficult A practitioners personal values may conflict with a specific standard within an ethics code The codes may not align with state laws or regulations regarding reporting requirements Ethics codes should be understood and applied within the specific cultural framework) Professional ethics can be subdivided into two levels, namely mandatory ethics and aspirational ethics. Mandatory ethics represents basic ethics, which comply with the minimal standards, while aspirational ethics are the highest standards of thinking and conduct to be sought by the professional (Corey, Corey and Callanan, 2007, p.13). Corey, Corey and Callanan (2007) states Aspiration ethics means that the professional will seek to go further and reflect on the effects their interventions may have on the welfare of their clients. Aspirational ethics have been captured by the American Psychological Association (APA) in the general principles of its codes of ethics. (APA General Guidelines , n.d., par 1) states that compliance with these guidelines are not mandatory or enforceable however they are intended to guide and inspire psychologists toward the very highest ethical ideals of the profession. The principles stated in the APA Ethical Principles Code of Conduct include the following : Beneficence and Non-maleficence This requires the psychologist to strive to benefit those with whom they work and take care to ensure they do no harm. In addition, they are to seek to safeguard the welfare and rights of those with whom they interact professionally and other affected persons. Fidelity and Responsibility Psychologists are expected to establish relationships of trust with those with whom they work. They should be aware of their professional and scientific responsibilities to society and to the specific communities in which they work. They should uphold professional standards of conduct, clarify their professional roles and obligations, accept appropriate responsibility for their behavior, and seek to manage conflicts of interest that could lead to exploitation or harm. Integrity-Psychologists should seek to promote accuracy, honesty and truthfulness in the science, teaching and practice of psychology. In these activities psychologists should not steal, cheat, or engage in fraud, subterfuge, or intentional misrepresentation of fact. Justice -Psychologists should recognize that fairness and justice entitle all persons to access to and benefit from the contributions of psychology and to equal quality in the processes, procedures, and services being conducted by psychologists. Respect for people rights and dignity-Psychologists should respect the dignity and worth of all people and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality and self-determination. Psychologists should be are aware that special safeguards may be necessary to protect the rights and welfare of persons or communities whose vulnerabilities impair autonomous decision-making. The other component of the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct for psychologist is the Code of Conduct/ Ethical Standards, which are enforceable standards that should guide the actions of the psychologist in their professional lives. The APA has 10 ethical standards and, for the purpose of our discussion, we will focus on three of these namely, competence, human relations and privacy and confidentiality. The three standards cover a broad spectrum of issues, which will be discussed at a summary level. The APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct competence standard requires the Counseling and Consulting Psychologist to only provide services, teach or conduct research only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, consultation, study or professional experience. Additionally they are expected to continuously undertake efforts to maintain and improve their competence. Finally, they should exercise self-awareness that will reduce the likelihood that they will undertake an activity, which their personal problems could prevent them from performing in a competent manner. Possessing the relevant competencies, maintaining and improving these competences and taking steps to ensure that personal conflicts or problems do not prevent them from properly executing their job is tied into the general principle of beneficence and non maleficence which are aimed at doing what is best for the client. Seeking to prevent personal conflicts a nd problems affecting the working relationship is consistent with the recommendation that Counseling and Consulting Psychologist maintain notes of their feelings resulting from interactions with clients. The counseling psychologist in the therapeutic relationship would maintain process notes, which among other things includes the therapist thoughts, feelings and reactions to clients. The consulting psychologist should keep notes, such as a diary, which details feelings and reactions to members of the client organization system. This self-monitoring should help the psychologist to identify problems during the therapeutic/consultative process that can negatively affect the relationship and therefore take the requisite steps such as getting counseling or terminating to prevent harm to the client. The APA ethical standard on human relations encompasses the avoidance of unfair discrimination of clients, avoiding harm, multiple relationships, use of informed consent, and managing conflict of interest among others. Discussions in this paper will be on avoiding harm, multiple relationships and informed consent. The standard requires the counseling and consulting psychologist to take reasonable steps to avoid harm to clients, organisational client, supervisees and others with whom they work and to minimize harm where it is foreseeable and unavoidable. Seeking to minimize harm where it is foreseeable and unavoidable bears significance for the consulting psychologist as their interventions and the resulting changes may have an impact on persons unknown. This results from the nature of the consulting relationship, which usually involve three parties, the consultant, the consultee/client system and the client groups served by the consultee (Lowan, 2002, p. 733). Additionally, the APA s tandard states the Counseling and Consulting psychologist should avoid multiple relationships with clients directly or thorough a person closely associated with or related to the client. Lowman, (2002) defines multiple relationships as those situations in which the psychologist functions in more than one professional relationship, as well as those in which the psychologist functions in a professional role and another definitive and intended role. Specific risks associated with such relationships outlined in the code of ethics include loss of objectivity and exploitation of the client by the psychologist (Lowman, 2002, p. 739). The consulting psychologist needs to be aware of the potential harm that can result from their failing to effectively manage relationships within the organization and that it can affect not only those in the dual relationship but also others in the organization (Lowman, 2002, p. 740). The challenges facing consulting psychologists in this regard are special, a s in most instances a dual relationship will exist. Dual relationships in and of themselves are not always bad and they can be considered inevitable however, they need to be managed carefully. If the consultant is hired based on a referral from a member of the consultee system with whom the consultant has a previous social or professional relationship, this can present several issues. These issues includes how the consultants perspective may be affected by information received from this person, expectations that the persons may have in terms of access to or influence on the consultant, how the dual relationship is perceived by other in the organization and is resultant impact on these persons interaction with the consultant.(Lowman, 2002, p.741). The presence of dual or multiple relationships in the therapeutic relationship can create situations in which the client feels they cannot be assertive or take care of themselves. This arises primarily due to the existence or previous exist ence of a therapeutic relationship that creates and uneven balance of power between the therapist and the client. These multiple relationships can include romantic involvement with a previous client after the 2 years stipulated by the standards or the therapist involvement in a business relationship with the client. The avoidance of these dual relationships are advocated for family member and close friends as the increased intimacy can reduce the therapist effectiveness as a professional. The psychologist objectivity and maintenance of professional distance is usually impaired if dual relationships are established. Informed Consent is a particularly important area covered by this ethical standard. Freeman (cited in Lowan 2002) defined informed consent in terms of four essential elements (1) the competence of participants to make rational decisions regarding whether or not to participate; (2) the voluntary nature of participation; (3) access to full information regarding the purposes, potential risks and benefits, and the likely outcomes of participation; and (4) the ability to comprehend relevant information. The Consulting psychologist faces peculiar challenges in obtaining informed consent, as the client is more difficult to identify. The consulting psychologist will rightly identify the organization as the client but the organization is made up of groups of individuals organized in a hierarchical structure that intrinsically carries power differentials. While the consulting psychologist can say that the organization is represented by whom ever contracted them, and these persons may be suppor tive of the consultation, can the same be said of others in the lower levels of the organization. The organization hierarchical structure makes one question whether participation is truly voluntary (Lowman, 2002, p.737). Additionally, contrary to group therapy where all the individuals sign an informed consent, this may not be practical for all the persons that may be involved with the consultative process. A dilemma exists even if the contracting person (organisational representative) signs an informed consent, can it be said to be truly be on behalf of all the persons in the organization? In my opinion, the matter of persons having full information regarding the purposes, potential risks and benefits of the process can also be questioned. Again, full information may be available to top management, but not to all members of the organization. The counseling psychologist is expected to obtaining informed consent from the individuals, families, couples or groups members in the early stages of establishing the therapeutic relationship. Corey, Corey and Callanan state, The main purpose of the informed consent is to increase the chances that the client will become involved, educated and a willing participant in therapy. Informed consent involves providing the client with sufficient information to make informed choices about entering into, and continuing the client/therapist relationship. Providing the client with information, is a way of protecting the clients rights and teaching them about their rights, which encourages the developments of a healthy sense of self and personal power (Corey, Corey Callanan, 2007, p.154). It is important, as it outlines the basis of the relationship and is one of the means of establishing boundaries within the relationship. The APA Privacy and Confidentiality ethical standard states Psychologists have a primary obligation to take reasonable precautions to protect confidential information obtained through or stored in any medium. The importance of confidentiality is emphasized by Bersoff (cited in Lowan 2002) who states except for the ultimate percept -above all, do no harm there is probably no ethical value in psychology that is more inculcated than confidentiality. The psychologist is required to protect the information and to disclose the limitation on that confidentiality as dictated by legal or other requirements. Confidentiality in the organizational setting, poses challenges, such as the number of persons who have legitimate access to the data collected, for example management personnel or committees (Lowman, 2002, p. 738). The consulting psychologist will have to address these limitations openly and seek to establish a collective responsibility with members of the consultee system, which will pr omote a collective approach to the handling of such matters (Lowman, 2002, p. 738). Unlike the counseling psychologist, who deals with clients one to one, by their choice or acts on behalf of a third party, in which case the client is informed and can chose what information to divulge. The consulting psychologist has to work to overcome the perception of possible victimization that less powerful persons within an organization may feel if they disclose certain information. This can prevent the psychologist from obtaining important information, and if it is received, he/she may be faced with an ethical dilemma of how to use the information, taking into consideration how it can affect the individual or the organization. Based on the fore going discussions it is seen that the professional code of ethics is vital for the counseling and consulting psychologist. Professional ethics are a requirement for the profession of psychologist, just as a society cannot exist with rules and laws so psychological profession cannot exist without ethics. The counseling and consulting psychologist needs to know and practice these ethical requirements in their professional practice, failing which, they could be barred from the profession or face legal action. Compliance is required for the profession and for the individual to be economically viable, as the service provided must be of a quality that can be trusted. Professions are built on the trust that the public places in it and if that trust is eroded, it is doomed. Additionally, professional ethics protect the consumers of the service by the establishment of standards and removing some of the personal values or morals, which could be harmful. It has its limitations , as it does not provide ready-made answers for everything, only provide broad guidelines.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Separate Peace Essays - Gene’s Enemies -- Separate Peace Essays

Gene’s Enemies   Adam and Eve had a perfect Garden of Eden, until Eve ate the apple and contaminated the garden.   In being tricked by the snake, Eve betrayed God’s word.   Mankind has often betrayed others because of the darkness in their heart.   In A Separate Peace, John Knowles uses Phineas as a sacrificial lamb to portray Gene’s savage side and demonstrate that peace can never be achieved at a worldwide level until man accepts the darkness in his own heart. Gene believes that Finny and he hate each other, until he realizes Finny’s pureness, which Gene can not stand.   At first, Gene believes that Finny wants to exceed him, and that the two are rivals.   Everyone at Devon likes Finny.   The teachers adore him, the students look up to him, the athletes aspire to be like him.   Finny has no enemies.   Gene, however, sees through Finny’s â€Å"cover† and thinks they hate each other.   He hates Finny for beating A. Hopkins swimming record, and for making him jump from the tree, and for being better than Gene.   When Finny takes Gene to the beach, Finny tells Gene that they are â€Å"best pals.†Ã‚   Gene does not respond to Finny’s sincere gesture because he thinks Finny wants to sabotage him.   Gene realizes that he and Finny are â€Å"even after all, even in enmity.   The deadly rivalry was on both sides after all† (46).   Gene has no proof of Finny’s hatred, but Gene need s to find a way to be even with Finny.   Once he decides they are even, he must now surpass Finny, so he jounces the limb.   Gene’s hatred takes over, only now he realizes that the hatred only comes from one side.   Finny is pure.   He never hates Gene; he loves Gene like he loves everyone else.   Ge... ... past, it would go away.   Instead the â€Å"stale air† rushes out at him when he reopens the door and causes him to deal with his feelings all at once, drenching him.   Gene has gone through another rite of passage, on top of his graduation, baptism, jumping from the tree, and Finny’s funeral.   By letting out the â€Å"stale air† and understanding his inner self, Gene reaches his â€Å"separate peace.†Ã‚   As a result, Gene becomes a sadder, but wiser, man. Gene’s experiences throughout the novel, along with Phineas’ death, contribute to his survival and progression as a person.   Gene realizes the only enemy he ever had was himself, and becomes pure and Phineas-filled after he confronts and conquers himself. Knowles compares a New England prep school to the Garden of Eden to show man’s flawed nature and that man always ruins what he can not understand.   

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Food Habits Changing After Food, Inc

The documentary Food, Inc was created to show viewers what is being put on their plates and has given me an altered view towards the food industry which has drastically changed my food habits. Many emotional scenes were shown on this film to give viewers empathy towards the problem that is occurring. The documentary shows many vivid details and explains what is in the food that consumers eat. The film food, Inc influenced my habits of consumption by eating organic meats, purchasing most foods in the farmers market, and checking for food labels. I have learned that there is a big difference in organic and non-organic meats.Animals raised organically are not allowed to be fed antibiotics or other drugs and cannot eat genetically modified foods. Eating organic meats is not only helping animals but also preventing the consumer from a possible disease outbreak that may occur due to the mistreatment of animals. The meat comes from a sustainable farm that uses the manure productively as org anic fertilizer. The manure is â€Å"pure,† coming from animals fed an organic diet which ensures consumers that there will not be any exposure to chemicals. Consumers feel safe knowing that the certified organic meat won’t hurt them in the long-run.Going to a farmers’ market helps consumers because everything is fresh, locally grown, and certified organic which gives the buyer no doubts. When purchasing meat from an organic farm stand at a farmer’s market, consumers support that farm. On the other hand, buying non-organic meat that isn’t local, free-range, or ranch-raised from a supermarket chain will most likely support a multinational food corporation. After the experience change in some of the famers’ supermarkets, I also started realizing the foods tasted better and after eating, I felt lighter and full at the same time.I also saw that costs were higher than the farmers’ markets but it truly made a difference to purchase organic produce and meats. It decreased health risks like diabetes and obesity. Food labels are essential to consumers because they stay alert with what they eat everywhere they go. I have always wondered how many calories are in the food in restaurants as well as other types of foods that I buy at the grocery store. Most restaurants don’t list the actual nutritional value of their food which is why it’s important for consumers’ to remember to check and be aware of what is going to be in their bodies.The film transmits this message to its viewers by showing consumers foods that have glucose and Trans fat than expected. There can be many ingredients or a high number of calories that a consumer may not know about but after looking at a label, it will give the consumer peace of mind or change their mind on whether they will eat it or not. Food, Inc helped me realize and understand that it’s critical for consumers to be cautious about how different foods can affect t heir overall health. This led me to change some of my eating habits such as buying organic meats, which helped me choose my foods wisely.Being aware lets consumers like me stay healthy. Food, Inc taught me a lot about buying organic animal products because it’s better for health, the community, and it can also benefit consumers in the long-run. I would recommend that all consumers watch this film and understand the positive aspects of it because it gives some critical points about the food industry and backs them up with evidence. Food is important for the body and it helps an individual survive every day, but it can also be deadly. It’s all about making the right decisions when it comes to the consumers’ food habits.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Controversial Issues

Same-Sex Partner Adoptions Children are precious gifts who deserve to be nurtured and loved. There are thousands of children that are born everyday, and parents and family abandon some of them. However, there are plenty of couples who would love to make these children an addition to their families. Traditionally, a husband and wife adopt children. Today this traditional couple has expanded to include couples of the same sex. Same sex couples are often looked down upon; according to societal views, same sex couples are â€Å"morally wrong.† The issue should be focused on the best adoptive parents for the child. Sexual orientation should not affect whether or not a person should be a parent because homosexual individuals are able to provide everything that heterosexual couples can provide for a child. Studies have suggested that same sex parents are often bad parents. This study refers only to the atmosphere of growing up in a same sex household. What does good parenting really mean? Good parenting is giving the child love: nurturing and providing the child with the necessities that are needed for life such as food, water, clothing, and a safe residence. Good parenting does not include anything about a parent’s sexual preferences. Society and some laws base their decisions on the gender of the adoptive couples. Homosexual individuals are able to adopt, but a same sex couple is unable to adopt a child. This idea is ridiculous because most people would assume that two parents are better than one good parent. I believe children in same sex families have the same opportunity to develop as children with heterosexual parents. The fact that parents happen to be homosexual has no adverse effects on the development of a child. Studies have shown that in some instances same sex adoptions increase a child’s emotional and financial security. According to a few articles, same sex parenting has an affects on the child’s peer relations, s... Free Essays on Controversial Issues Free Essays on Controversial Issues Same-Sex Partner Adoptions Children are precious gifts who deserve to be nurtured and loved. There are thousands of children that are born everyday, and parents and family abandon some of them. However, there are plenty of couples who would love to make these children an addition to their families. Traditionally, a husband and wife adopt children. Today this traditional couple has expanded to include couples of the same sex. Same sex couples are often looked down upon; according to societal views, same sex couples are â€Å"morally wrong.† The issue should be focused on the best adoptive parents for the child. Sexual orientation should not affect whether or not a person should be a parent because homosexual individuals are able to provide everything that heterosexual couples can provide for a child. Studies have suggested that same sex parents are often bad parents. This study refers only to the atmosphere of growing up in a same sex household. What does good parenting really mean? Good parenting is giving the child love: nurturing and providing the child with the necessities that are needed for life such as food, water, clothing, and a safe residence. Good parenting does not include anything about a parent’s sexual preferences. Society and some laws base their decisions on the gender of the adoptive couples. Homosexual individuals are able to adopt, but a same sex couple is unable to adopt a child. This idea is ridiculous because most people would assume that two parents are better than one good parent. I believe children in same sex families have the same opportunity to develop as children with heterosexual parents. The fact that parents happen to be homosexual has no adverse effects on the development of a child. Studies have shown that in some instances same sex adoptions increase a child’s emotional and financial security. According to a few articles, same sex parenting has an affects on the child’s peer relations, s...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Roald Dahl was a 20th Century writer Essays

Roald Dahl was a 20th Century writer Essays Roald Dahl was a 20th Century writer Paper Roald Dahl was a 20th Century writer Paper Roald Dahl wrote most of his stories for children. This was because he himself didnt have a very pleasant childhood. His childhood affects the outcome of his stories. Roald Dahl also wrote short stories for adults, which sometimes have a twist or they have black humor. Roald Dahl was a 20th Century writer. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a doctor before becoming a full time writer. Sir Arthur Conan Doyles medical career crops up into his stories, for example, in The Speckled Band, Sherlock Holmes notices that the snake was known as a Swamp Adder and was a deadly poisonous snake. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a 19th Century. Roald Dahl and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle were writhers of different times and their lives before they were writhers affected how they wrote their stories. The writing of a 19th Century story is very confusing. The sentences are very long and often have to be read twice to understand. For example; a quote from The Speckled Band, shows how long a sentence is The last squire dragged out his existence there, living the horrible life of an aristocratic pauper; but his only son, my stepfather, seeing that he must adopt himself to the new conditions, obtained an advance from a relative, which enabled him to take a medical degree, and went out to Calcutta, where, by his professional skill and his force of character, he established a large practice, this is only one sentence and now in the 21st Century it seems like a paragraph. The vocabulary of the 19th Century is very old and some of the words like pauper, dogcart and frock coat are not commonly used. For people of the 20th Century some of these words are explained at the bottom of the page. In a 19th Century story there is a lot of stereotyping, like in The Speckled band, for example there is a word called gypsies, which in the 19th Century is a name for people who have no homes. They move from one place to another and are faced with suspicion and prejudice. In the 19th Century people didnt have good police service and they also didnt have quick thinking detectives. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle made up man named Sherlock Holmes. The character, Sherlock Holmess was a very good and a very clever detective. Many detectives of the 19th Century did not have scientific knowledge. Sir Arthur Conan Doyles character, Sherlock Holmes, had that scientific knowledge.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Legal Factors involved in Corporate Management and Ownership Essay

Legal Factors involved in Corporate Management and Ownership - Essay Example However, their negligence of duty can be linked back to the directors over poor management. If the management of the corporation was tough and well organized, there would be no significant financial errors. In words by Harrington & Carter (2009) directors investing in their company dependable on the growth of the company may sometimes viewed as fraud in any occurrence of uncertainty. If the directors invested in the company due to bad financial reports, it is regarded as more negligence. It is with no objection that financial losses incurred in the company should be liable to the directors. The decrease in stock price is also a result from the mistake of the directors and the financial officers. In dealing with this incidence, the fraudulent officers should be sacked or demoted to posts with fewer responsibilities. The directors of the company should take responsibility of the error and compensate investors due to the reduction in stock

Friday, November 1, 2019

Plagarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Plagarism - Essay Example But shortcuts will never help a student in learning a topic well. Even if a student was able to get better grades using means like plagiarism, in his future personal and professional lives, he will face stiff challenges when facing real problems. The standards of the education will be decreased if the students engage in plagiarism like activities. Academic assignments are aimed at developing critical thinking among the students. If the students follow shortcuts, such objectives of the education will never meet and the standards of the education could be seriously affected. Education is aimed at developing high level of ethics and integrity in personal life. In fact in order to claim credibility for the qualifications achieved by a student, he should make sure that all the grades he achieved should be based on his hard work alone. Plagiarism prevents a student from achieving a degree using fair means. The values and norms set during the studies may affect the future course of life and hence plagiarism will definitely affect a student’s future life